Wednesday, January 5, 2011


This year has for the most part began well..
Yesterday, I made ammends with a really good friend I had fallen out with..I made the first move to reconcile despite her being the one  and when everything was all out in the open and we agreed to let go of everything, it felt sooo good I tell you.
I've never really fallen out permanently with a good friend but in that short time that I had, it felt horrible..
Anyway, fast forward to today and said friend (xxx from now)kinda refused to help me out with something really important that s/he could have if s/he wanted to..So now my mood is down in the dumps..I just feel bad about it coz I'm such a real friend to some people but I dont get even half back of what I give..
Second thing, I chopped off my hair down to an inch last year December 19th..I really really liked the TWA(teeny weeny afro) on me  and so did my family..But suddenly, this feeling of 'unpretty' came over me and it's still haunting me! I got braid extensions got done almost immediately and despite the itching I battle with whenever I'm in braids, I'm gonna have these babies on my head for a long long time..unless Dear Lord sends me a bucket-full of confidence..He knows I need that! 
This whole thing is weird..I like how I look, and that's all that should matter..but I'm kinda(or verrrryyyy) worried that people at school are not gonna like it..I don't want people making jokes or talking behind my back trying to figure out why I cut it..I didn't know I was so short of confidence! The only thing that would give me enough courage to show off my new TWA at an engagement ring from The One!!! lol..Then,,,people are gonna have something else to talk about!
Peace Nita xx

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